Conference on Hydrometeorological Research in the Context of Climate Change

The Asian Geographical Association    Conference on Hydrometeorological Research in the Context of Climate Change

Conference on Hydrometeorological Research in the Context of Climate Change: Current Problems and their solutions Held in Uzbekistan



International scientific-practical conference on the topic ""was organized by National University of Uzbekistan and Geographic Society of Uzbekistan on June 3, 2022

The purpose of the conference was to discuss the results of researches in the fields of hydrology, meteorology, climatology and natural and economic-social geography in the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, current problems and their solutions, achievements and main directions, exchange of experience, attracting talented young scientists to promising scientific directions is to highlight the integration of science and innovation in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The issues discussed at the conference are the implementation of scientific and technical programs on the priority directions of the university's scientific activities of departments, faculties; in further strengthening of scientific cooperation between republican and foreign higher educational institutions, scientific-research institutions; will be important in actively involving researchers in the development of relevant fields of hydrometeorology and in helping to strengthen scientific relations with leading experts abroad.

The international scientific-practical conference on the topic "Hydrometeorological research in the conditions of climate change: current problems and their solutions" held at the National University of Uzbekistan was devoted to one of the global problems of the world, in particular climate change. At the end of the conference, scientific proposals and recommendations were developed for further development of international cooperation in researches aimed at solving the current problems of climate change, adaptation to climate change observed on a global scale.



(Provided by Dr. Gulomjon Umirzakov, National University of Uzbekistan,



















2022年8月29日 14:08