Asian Geographer disseminates knowledge about geographical problems and issues with a focus on Asia and the Pacific Rim. Contributions may address any field of physical or human geographical inquiries and methodologies. Works based on other regions are also welcomed if they can demonstrate a linkage to Asia and the Pacific Rim. Priority is given to contributions which move beyond the profiling of specific geographical sites to promote a wider theoretical and conceptual understanding.


The journal is published by Taylor & Francis, and indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, and Bibliography of Asian Studies.


For more details, including published articles and special issues, please visit

The journal publishes four categories of contributions:

  1. Research Articles: Advance theoretical or/and methodological debates through original research on Asia and the Pacific Rim with a geographical perspective in the broadest sense. Should be no longer than 8,000 words.
  2. Critical Perspectives: Reflect critically and constructively on the current state of understanding of longstanding or/and emerging issues of significance of the human or/and physical geographies of Asia and the Pacific Rim. Should be no longer than 8,000 words.
  3. Asian Geography in Brief: Report on the latest findings from the field on the diverse human and physical geographies of Asia and the Pacific Rim. Should be no longer than 4,000 words.
  4. Book Reviews: Evaluate recent publications addressing key geographical issues in Asia and the Pacific Rim. Should be no longer than 1,500 words.

The above word limit is inclusive of abstract, references, endnotes, tables and figures. Each figure taking up half of an A4 page is normally considered equivalent to 250 words.

Asian Geographer welcomes proposals for Special Issues, which provide a critical forum for sets of complementary or contrasting articles addressing emergent and topical issues or questions related to the journal’s geographical and thematic scope. Interested contributors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief, Jiang Xu, by email:


Jiang Xu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Editor (Cities, Regions and Spatial Data Science)
Mingshu Wang, University of Glasgow


Editor (Physical and Environmental Systems)
Jinbao Li, The University of Hong Kong


Editor (Rural Spaces and Societies)
Yuheng Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Associate Editor and Editorial Manager
Calvin King Lam Chung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Consulting Editors
Chi-Yung Jim, The Education University of Hong Kong
Yee Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Si-Ming Li, Hong Kong Baptist University
Anthony Gar-On Yeh, The University of Hong Kong


Editorial Committee
Adrian Bailey, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
Yanwei Chai, Peking University
Roger Chan, The University of Hong Kong
Kam Wing Chan, University of Washington
I-Chun Catherine Chang, Macalester College
Yongqin Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ting On Lewis Cheung, The Education University of Hong Kong
Cindy Fan, University of California Los Angeles
Tung Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Michael Roy Glass, University of Pittsburgh
Shenjing He, The University of Hong Kong
Canfei He, Peking University
Mei-po Kwan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ngar-Cheung Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
David Ley, The University of British Columbia
George Lin, The University of Hong Kong
Jen-Jia Lin, National Taiwan University
Jiun-Chuan Lin, National Taiwan University
Weidong Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
John Logan, Brown University
Yuji Murayama, University of Tsukuba
Kee-Bom Nahm, University of Seoul
Bernie Owen, Hong Kong Baptist University
Clifton Pannell, University of Georgia
Jennifer Pomeroy, York College of Pennsylvania
Dahe Qin, China Meteorological Administration
Jianfa Shen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Daniel Z. Sui, Ohio State University
Donggen Wang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ya Ping Wang, University of Glasgow
Dennis Yehua Wei, The University of Utah
Fulong Wu, University College London
Henry W.C. Yeung, National University of Singapore
Benjamin Zhan, Texas State University
Qiang Zhang, Beijing Normal University